Opportunity Detail

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Care and Community

Community Care Team
This team offers Christ’s love, care, and assistance to the members and regular attendees in and outside of the church and responds to the special needs or concerns not met by other ministries. This team also plans and organizes drives to assist with caring and reaching out to others or organizations.

Visitation Team
Help care for Southpoint attendees that are in times of need by visiting or contacting them hospital, rehab, senior centers, etc. This team provides prayer, encouragement and listening, so they know we care. 

Prayer Force
Prayer is the key to Christian life. The team commits to praying for requests as well as strategic prayers for our church and culture. These are communicated by a weekly email and occasional urgent requests sent during the week. 

Open Arms Food Pantry
The Open Arms Food Pantry team provides food assistance to members of the congregation and our local community. The pantry distributes staple foods, fresh produce, milk, eggs, margarine, and kids' snacks to families in need of food. People over the age of 13 can volunteer to serve on Wednesdays to help unload food and set up for distribution between 2:30-4:30pm or serve from 4:30-7:30pm helping to package and distribute food. ( The pantry is onsite at our campus.

Community Meals
We provide a hot meal to families in need through a drive through experience once a month. Opportunities include: Cooking, baking, packing meals, delivering food to vehicles, registration and prayer. 

Opportunity Details:
